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Sipronika at CIGRE-CIRED Conference

The Association of NC CIGRÉ and CIRED organized the eleventh Conference of the Slovenian electric power engineering from 27th till 29th of May 2013. In collaboration with our business partners, we presented three technical papers, one in the field of time synchronization in smart grids, and two papers in the field of remote monitoring and control of secondary substations.

The first paper is titled “Time synchronization research in information - communication systems for Smart Grids”, which was presented by Mr. Tekavec from Sipronika in collaboration with colleagues from Elektro Gorenjska. This paper summarizes different ways of time synchronization of process systems in smart grids, supported by measurements of time delays of different communication media and technologies. The focus is on the measurement of time delay arising in WiMAX wireless network.

The second paper titled Secondary substation remote control and supervision- the concept and experience in collaboration with colleagues from Elektro Ljubljana and colleague Kržišnik from Sipronika, addresses some time topical subject in all Slovenian electricity distribution companies that invest in solutions to enhance the reliability of the distribution system within the concept of smart grids. Similarly, the theme also addresses the third paper, prepared by coauthors from Elektro Gorenjska and Mr. Kržišnik from Sipronika, titled Management and control of TP and DVS - Experience in the use of WiMAX and digital radio, which deals with experience with the new WiMAX infrastructure, which represents the telecommunications base in the introduction of smart grid concept in Elektro Gorenjska.

Mr. Marjan Kržišnik was also invited to prepare a review of the paper CIRED SW 3-18: "The impact of operating a loop on the loss," of authors K. Deželak, M. Rošer, R. Bishop, T. Kastelic and G. Štumberger.

We are sincerely grateful to the Association of NC CIGRÉ and CIRED for inviting us to participate in this event.


Abstracts of papers you can download it here:

Report Tekavec

Report Kržišnik 1

Report Kržišnik 2

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