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Sipronika involved in a project "Safety Ambassador"

With the leading company Goodyear Dunlop Sava Tires d.o.o. Sipronika participates in the project "Safety Ambassador", where our novel multi-colour speed displays have been installed in 13 Slovenian municipalities.

Initiated by the sponsorship of Goodyear Dunlop Sava Tires d.o.o. we designed and installed our multi-color speed displays MHP50 (RGB), which show different content based on measured or displayed speeds, respectively.

In the municipality of Sevnica one of such displays slows down the traffic in the close vicinity of a primary school. When the speed limit 30 km/h is exceeded bold red colored words "TOO FAST!" are displayed and at speeds less than 30 blue and yellow "THANK YOU!" shows up.

Currently, the displays of the project "Safety Ambassador" are located in the municipalities Šenčur and Škofja Loka, but in the short term they will be placed also in the remaining ten Slovenian municipalities.

Since a picture is worth more than 100 words, you can see our displays working in real environment on the images below.


Source: Municipality Sevnica


 Source: Sipronika d.o.o.

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